Hair Transplant in Dubai ?

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What's up? The pain can get worse in the evening and the day after the operation. Pain can be felt in the donor area, but also where the hair has just been implanted. It's often described as a grinding pain, but it doesn't have to be severe. Hair transplantation involves many small incisions on the head.After the local anesthetic wears off, you may feel some of those tiny cuts.

The next day the worst feeling should subside and you should be fine. A small number of patients who have had a large transplant may experience mild pain that lasts 1-2 weeks.
How do you treat pain? Any pain you feel can easily be treated with paracetamol along with ibuprofen (or nurofen).If you need something stronger, you should consult your Hair Transplant in Dubai & UAE  surgeon to discuss what can be given.
Why doesn't your pain go away?

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If the pain after hair transplant does not go away, you should go to your surgeon again. It may take a little longer for the pain to go away, but in some cases the pain can be caused by another problem. For example, in patients who were overloaded due to poor graft placement and delayed scalp healing.
For more information, see our article Hair Transplantation is Painful which covers this topic.
Swelling After Hair Transplant
Swelling, or "puffiness," is a common side effect of hair transplant surgery. It usually appears on the forehead and persists for 2-6 days after surgery. In rare cases, the swelling can affect the eyelid. When this happens, it can delay the patient's return to work; But don't worry, your eyes will heal.
What's going on?

Since you have had surgery, there will be an element of inflammation post-surgery. This inflammation causes swelling and a feeling of tightness in the skin tissues of the scalp. Sometimes it can go down the forehead and affect the eyes.
How is edema treated?

At The Royal Clinic in Dubai we normally supply anti-inflammatory drugs such as dexamethasone (a steroid). It is a pill taken twice a day that helps reduce swelling. In most patients, the swelling is completely contained.
And if the swelling persists? For large hair transplants, the swelling can sometimes last a little more than 7-10 days or affect the eyes.At this point, you should consult with your hair transplant surgeon. They can advise you on the best way to manage side effects. Rest assured, this side effect should go away.