Hair Transplant Surgery in Dubai & UAE ?

When planning a hair transplant, we determine the position of the hairline considering several factors: face shape, current and expected stage of baldness, hair type, patient's ethnic characteristics, amount of remaining hair in the donor area and preferences. Too high or too low placement of the hairline can lead to poor results in terms of the overall treatment.

In general, the younger the patient, the more severe the hair loss, and the fewer donors available, the more conservative the hairline should be.

One thing is certain: The hairline is not a fixed distance from the eyebrows. It's more about size and proportion when it comes to facial aesthetics and hairline placement.
Just like fingerprints, each of us has a unique hairline.
However, there is a general rule that the shape of the hairline closely resembles the shape of the face: round, oval, and triangular.

Some clinics use a template approach to draw the hairline & Hair Transplant in Dubai , which is a basic oval shape that fits all faces. But the truth is that only a design that conforms to the natural contours of the patient's face can achieve a satisfactory aesthetic result.

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narrow head allows for less flared hairlines, while the round face encourages rounder shapes.
The more conservative the hairline is supposed to be, the more its shape changes from round to oval or bell-shaped.
The plan for each patient is to create a natural looking hairline that properly frames the face.
The goal of hair design is to create something that is just as beautiful and appropriate at 60 as it is at 30. Hair transplants are permanent and a low, flat hairline that looks good on a young patient may not age or look as good from how the patient ages.

The design should be reserved, especially for young people.The shape and position of the hairline needs to be adjusted to the reality that as we age future treatments may be needed to fill in the areas behind the now established hairline.
Hair loss is a progressive condition in which patients have a limited number of available hair follicles. If a patient starts out with a very low and flat hairline and continues to thin in other areas of the scalp, they risk missing the graft and being unable to treat other areas of the scalp.