PRP in Dubai & UAE ?

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Damaged areas of the body can accelerate healing.
To make PRP, a doctor takes a sample of blood and puts it in a machine called a centrifuge. This machine spins at high speed, which separates the blood components. The doctor then takes the platelets for injection.
PRP contains a number of growth factors and proteins that accelerate tissue regeneration.Because some types of hair loss are due to damage to the hair follicles, researchers initially hypothesized that PRP might help hair regrowth by reversing the process that occurs in androgenetic alopecia.
Since then, PRP has become a popular method for restoring hair growth. Doctors have also used PRP to treat tendon, muscle, and ligament injuries such as those that occur during exercise.
Sports injuries often affect the knees. Find out if PRP in Dubai  is effective for knee injuries here.
Is it effective?
In 2019, a team of scientists conducted a systematic review of research on PRP to treat hair loss. Their findings were published in the journal Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. 
Ultimately, the analysis focused on 11 scientific articles covering a total of 262 participants with androgenetic alopecia. According to the authors, most studies have shown that PRP injections reduce hair loss and increase the diameter and density of hair growth.
However, they acknowledged that the treatment is controversial and noted that the small sample size and low quality of the studies were among the factors limiting their investigation. Another 2019 systematic review published in Dermatologic Surgery looked at the results of 19 studies evaluating PRP for the treatment of hair loss. A total of 460 people were recruited for these studies. According to the review authors, most studies have shown that PRP treatment results in hair regrowth in people with androgenetic alopecia areata.

The authors of an additional review of clinical trials published in the International Journal of Women's Dermatology considered PRP Treatment in Dubai  a "promising" treatment for hair loss based on their results.However, the team noted that the effects can vary because different researchers and clinics use different formulations, intervals between sessions, and injection techniques to administer PRP.
At this stage, without a standardized injection protocol, the authors explain, it is difficult to know if the treatment is effective.
Find more ways to treat thinning hair here.
Procedure The following steps are an example of a typical procedure for PRP injections for hair loss:
 The doctor draws blood from a vein in your arm. 
 The blood sample is placed in a centrifuge.
The centrifuge spins the blood and separates its components.
A doctor takes blood platelets with a syringe.
The doctor injects platelets into selected areas of the scalp.