The debate over the survival rate of FUE hair transplants versus strip transplants highlights several important points when considering hair transplantation:

These grafts are more prone to dehydration, which has been shown to be a major cause of hair loss.

Grafts created by stripping generally have more surrounding tissue and fat. This may reduce the risk of dehydration and allow for more manipulation of the graft during placement, improving graft survival time.
The absence of perifollicular tissue is often the result of “pulling out” the graft.Because more manipulation is done in an attempt to remove the graft & Hair Transplant in Islamabad Pakistan , it can also contribute to its reduced survival.
Sometimes the ends of the bulbs are separated or widely spaced. This makes the bulbs more susceptible to injury from increased manipulation of the graft during implantation.

With the FUE method, the hair is more likely to be trimmed than plucked in strips, which may result in little or no growth depending on the degree of trimming. Slicing speeds seem to vary significantly in FUE.
In contrast, stripping may damage the grafts during the initial skin incisions and subsequent tissue dissection, but this is considered minimal. Using a microscope to cut the donor strip should reduce the cutting frequency to 1-2%.

However, there are currently no adequate studies comparing survival rates. Of course, there have been patients who have undergone the FUE procedure with excellent results. Some doctors may argue that the less successful results are due to surgical technical skill rather than the more delicate nature of the graft created with FUE.
Graft Placement
In manual graft placement there is no difference in graft placement technique compared to FUE strips or grafts. Regardless of how the grafts are harvested, however, a significant level of artistic and technical expertise is required to place them for perfect, if not acceptable, results.
The surgeon must be able to create an esthetic “plan” for graft placement that specifies the placement of 1, 2, and 3 hair grafts. The pattern of the hairline is obviously important, as is the graft level to the rest of the scalp. An experienced hair surgeon creates density gradients to achieve natural-looking results with just the right density.Also, the cuts must be square and in the right direction. Even simple hair transplants will not look natural if placed at the wrong angle.