Hair Transplant in Dubai & Hair Restoration UAE ?

Some types of chemotherapy cause hair loss on the head and other parts of the body. Radiation therapy can also cause hair loss in the treated area.

Hair loss & Hair Transplant in Dubai is called alopecia. Talk to your medical team to find out if the cancer treatment you're receiving is causing your hair loss. Your doctor or nurse will share strategies that have helped others, including those listed below.
Ways to treat hair loss
Talk to your medical team about ways to treat hair loss before and after:
 Treat your hair gently : You can use a soft-bristled brush or a wide-toothed comb. Don't use hair dryers, straighteners, or products like gels or tongs that can damage the scalp. Wash your hair with a mild shampoo. Wash it less often and be very delicate.Dry with a soft cloth.

The choice is yours: Some people choose to cut their hair short to make it more manageable when it starts falling out. Others choose to shave their heads. If you decide to shave your head, use an electric razor to avoid cutting yourself.If you are considering buying a wig, get one while you still have hair so you can match it to your hair color. If you find your wigs itchy and burning, try wearing a comfortable scarf or turban.

 Protects and cares for the scalp : Use sunscreen or wear a hat when outside. Choose a comfortable scarf or hat that you like and that will keep your head warm.If your scalp is itchy or sensitive, using lotions and conditioners can help make it feel better.

Talk about your feelings : Many people are angry, depressed or embarrassed because they are losing their hair. Sharing those feelings with someone who understands can help. Some people find it helpful to talk to other people who have lost their hair during cancer treatment.Also, having an open and honest conversation with your children and immediate family members can all help you. Tell them you expect some hair loss during the treatment.

Once your hair grows back : be gentle with it. Avoid brushing, frizzing and drying your hair too often.Maybe you don't want to wash your hair that often.

After chemotherapy. Hair often grows back 2 to 3 months after stopping treatment. Your hair will look great as it grows back. Sometimes your new hair may be curly, straighter, or even a different color.It can return to the pre-processed state over time.

After radiotherapy: Hair often grows back 3 to 6 months after stopping treatment. If you have received a very high dose of radiation, it may happen that your hair grows thinner or not at all on the irradiated part of the body.