Hair Transplant in Dubai & UAE ?


Level 1: No significant hair loss or thinning hair

Level 2: There is a slight receding of the hairline around the temples. This is also known as an adult or mature hairline. 

 Stage 3: The first signs of clinically significant alopecia appear. The hairline is sunken deeply at both temples and resembles an M, U, or V shape. The receding areas are completely exposed or lightly covered with hair on the scalp (above)

 Stage 4: Hairline recession is more severe than Stage Hair Transplant in Dubai & UAE and there is sparse or no hair at the top. The two areas of hair loss are separated by a hair band that connects to the remaining hair on the sides of the scalp.

 Stage 5: The two areas of hair loss are larger than in Stage 4. They are still separate, but the band of hair between them is narrower and less frequent.

 Level 6: The bald areas on the temples merge with the bald area near the tip. A strand of hair on top of the head is missing or sparse

 Stage 7: The most severe stage of hair loss, only a strand of hair remains on the sides of the head. These hairs are not usually thick and can be thin

Using the Norwood scale as a reference, it is possible to diagnose the degree of balding, offer the appropriate treatment option and measure the effectiveness of the treatment. The scale is also used to plan the number of grafts a patient may need to achieve hair coverage after surgery.
How many grafts do I need?
The number of grafts needed varies depending on the degree of hair loss. Grafts are strips of skin containing healthy hair follicles that are harvested as part of the hair transplant procedure and transferred to the balding area of ​​the scalp.
When using the FUE technique, the hair grafts are taken as individual hair follicles from the donor area of ​​the scalp. This means hundreds or even thousands of tiny incisions are required to remove the grafts from individual hair follicles.
These small individual grafts are then inserted one at a time into small holes that have been drilled in the recipient area. To find out how many grafts may be required for an FUE hair transplant please use our hair transplant calculator
You will see various before and after photos showing the results of various procedures including; New hairline, FUE hair transplant at hairline and temples, FUE hair transplant at crown, effect 9 and 10 months after treatment.